• Last modified 176 days ago (Sept. 19, 2024)


Serious bite among critter crimes

Staff writer

In one of a series of animal attacks last week, an 11-year-old girl had to be taken to Hillsboro Community Hospital for stitches Friday after being bitten by a dog at 7:30 front of a Hillsboro church.

“It took a bite of her calf area,” Assistant Police Chief Randy Brazil said. “I checked on her on Sunday. She’s good. She’s limping a little bit, but she’s good.”

The girl, who had family living in the vicinity, was given antibiotics, Brazil said.

“I wrote the owner three charges — having a potentially vicious dog, no registration, and no vaccination,” Brazil said.

The dog, which Brazil said had never been aggressive before, was ordered quarantined at home for 10 days. The health department will follow up.

The owner will have to appear in municipal court Oct. 1.

Meanwhile, Marion police were called Thursday to St. Luke Hospital to investigate a cat bite that happened in the county.

The nearest deputy was in Burns, so a Marion officer took a report and turned it over to the sheriff’s office, interim Police Chief Zach Hudlin said.

Marion police also responded Thursday to a report of a dog attacking another dog in the 1400 block of Denver St.

The dog, inside the house, started barking, Hudlin said. When a child opened the door to see why the dog was barking, the dog rushed past and went after a dog being walked on a leash.

The dog on the leash was not injured. The dog from the house merely grabbed its collar, Hudlin said.

In other dog and cat incidents, Marion police responded Sept. 9 to a barking dog complaint in the 200 block of S. Cedar St. The owner wouldn’t open the door.

Another barking dog complaint was made the same day in the 300 block of Walnut St.

Police captured a dog running loose Sunday in the 1100 block of Highland St.

Hillsboro police had their own set of minor dog complaints.

A dog running loose Sept. 10 in the 200 block of S. Main St. was returned to its owner.

Police attempted to help owners of two dogs that were loose Sept. 11 at Wendy’s.

Last modified Sept. 19, 2024