• Last modified 253 days ago (July 4, 2024)


Repairs forgotten?

To the editor:

Why isn’t the box culvert on Locust St. a high priority? A grant was approved in October, 2022. Why isn’t it being repaired?

Have you driven on S. 1st St. lately? If you haven’t, take a trip over the ravine 1½ blocks south of Main and look at the condition of the crossing.

The safety guard rail — poles with steel cable running through — has fallen over.

This is an accident waiting to happen. Weeds are so high around the guard rail you can’t see what’s left of the posts.

The people living in the addition south of the crossing deserve better. They pay the same taxes as you do.

These repairs should be a high priority instead of putting money in the industrial park. Maybe this will be added in the budget for 2025.

Ruth Herbel

Last modified July 4, 2024