• Last modified 211 days ago (March 21, 2024)


Medicaid expansion

To the editor:

This Wednesday, March 20, for the first time in four years, the Legislature will be hearing bills in both the House and the Senate (HB 2556 and SB355) to expand Medicaid.

Though these hearings are scheduled, and surveys show massive support (8 of 10 Kansans are in favor of expansion), it will be up to Speaker Dan Hawkins and Senate President Ty Masterson whether to even call for a vote.

Kansas has lost nearly $7 billion in additional federal money and is one of only 10 states that has not adopted expansion.

According to the Kansas Reflector from December, 2023, 58% of rural hospitals are at risk of closing, and 82% have lost money on patient care.

We have used St. Luke medical facilities in Marion for most of our lives and have appreciated good quality care. It is one good reason that we are hesitant to relocate.

Please contact Speaker Hawkins, Senate President Masterson, Representatives Scott Hill and Stephen Owens, or Senator Rick Wilborn to urge them to call for a vote on these bills. And then ask them to vote in favor of Medicaid expansion.

Skip and Eileen Sieger
Rural Marion

Last modified March 21, 2024