• Last modified 343 days ago (April 4, 2024)


Man arrested after ruckus at store

Staff writer

Marion police were called March 27 to Dollar General and arrested a man on suspicion of criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.

Interim Police Chief Zach Hudlin said Wayne L. Thompson, 66, Marion, was clearly under the influence of alcohol when he wanted to check out. No cashier was immediately available. Thompson began yelling, cussing, and pounding on a counter. Employees told Thompson to leave several times, but he disregarded their directions.

After Thompson was jailed, he posted $2,000 bond and was released two hours later.

Hudlin said several other customers were willing to sign statements about the incident, and one told him that if police hadn’t shown up, he would have called police himself.

Thompson has a history of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

On Sept. 25, he pleaded no contest in two cases for driving under the influence and was sentenced to two terms of 18 months’ probation to be run consecutive to a prior conviction and to pay $2,000.

Two other cases in which Thompson was charged with driving under the influence were dismissed the same day. All four cases were filed in 2022.

Last modified April 4, 2024