• Last modified 343 days ago (April 4, 2024)


Man again reports meth reactions

A 28-year-old man who several times summoned an ambulance to his former residence at Homestead Senior Residences in Marion because he was having reactions to methamphetamine called for emergency treatment again Thursday — this time at a different location.

An ambulance and police were dispatched to Hilltop Manor because he reported his hands were tingling and changing colors after he took both attention-deficit medication and “a lot of meth.”

According to recorded transmissions, a medic responded to a dispatcher, “Fabulous! Do you know if law enforcement is going to join us on this call?”

Interim Marion Police Chief Zach Hudlin said that the man had some deficiencies and that his father was attempting to get him into a supported living environment in another town.

Officers checked the man for methamphetamine but did not find any on him, so he was not arrested, Hudlin said. The man declined to be taken to a hospital for treatment.

Last modified April 4, 2024