• Last modified 484 days ago (Nov. 8, 2023)


Grocer offers double produce for low-income customers

Staff writer

One food store in the county is enrolled in a program that matches dollars for customers who buy fresh produce with SNAP benefits.

Peabody Market started offering the Double-Up Food Bucks program this month.

With the program, any SNAP customer who purchases fresh produce receives a coupon equal to the amount spent up to $25 a day. The coupon can be used to buy produce during a later visit to the store.

Peabody Market owner Catherine Weems was especially happy to be able to roll out the program in time for the holidays because customers can use it to lower holiday food costs.

Stores get money from a consortium of nonprofit agencies to reimburse them for coupons.

“Our partnerships and personal investment in this program will help SNAP customers get the most of their benefits and encourage healthier food choices,” Weems said. “We are currently the only store in our area to make this program available to our customers. We encourage anyone on SNAP to shop with us and take advantage of this incredible benefit.”

The next closest store that soon will participate in the Double-Up program is Barnes Heartland Foods in Herington.

Owner Chris Barnes said he was completing necessary paperwork. He hopes the store will have the program operating by the first part of December.

“I’m sure you are aware we live in a fairly impoverished area,” Barnes said. “It gets harder and harder, and we are interested in helping people.”

He wants to do anything that would help customers, Barnes said.

White’s Foodliner in Lindsborg also has the program available. Manager Jeff Hawkinson said White’s had been in the program for a couple of years and was very pleased with how it helps SNAP customers.

“It’s been a really great program,” Hawkinson said.

Last modified Nov. 8, 2023