• Last modified 302 days ago (April 11, 2024)



Broadcasts about these fire and ambulance calls were monitored this past week by the newspaper:


2:03 a.m. — A 72-year-old woman with chest pains in the 400 block of Spruce St. in Peabody declined to be taken to a hospital by Hillsboro ambulance. Peabody ambulance was paged but did not answer. Peabody police responded instead.

7:10 a.m. — A 72-year-old man with chest pains at a farmhouse near 170th and Holly Rds. declined to be taken to a hospital by Hillsboro ambulance. Dispatchers initially did not provide an address. Ambulance attendants had to ask.

3:35 p.m. — An 87-year-old woman who fell at Parkside Homes assisted living in Hillsboro was taken to Hillsboro Community Hospital by Hillsboro ambulance.

4:24 p.m. — A 57-year-old man, possibly a victim of alcohol poisoning at Westview Manor in Peabody, was taken to St. Luke Hospital, Marion, by Marion ambulance.

6:25 p.m. — The 87-year-old woman who fell earlier was diagnosed with a fractured neck and transferred by Hillsboro ambulance from HCH to NMC Health, formerly Newton Medical Center. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 8:13 p.m.

6:53 p.m. — A patient having a seizure at Westview Manor was taken by Marion ambulance to Ascension Via Christi St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. The ambulance returned to Marion at 9:55 p.m.

9:51 p.m. — The 57-year-old alcohol poisoning patient earlier taken to St. Luke was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance to NMC Health. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 11:48 p.m.


7:19 p.m. — Hillsboro firefighters used simulated smoke in search-and-rescue training at a home in the 600 block of E. D St.


3:22 a.m. — An 81-year-old woman with a rapid heartbeat and possibly suffering from pneumonia at Peabody Health and Rehab was taken to NMC Health by Hillsboro ambulance. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 5:39 p.m. Peabody ambulance was paged but did not answer.

8:26 a.m. — An unresponsive man not breathing and with no heartbeat at a home in the 100 block of E. 9th St. in Florence was pronounced dead by medics despite efforts of Marion and Hillsboro ambulance attendants and Florence firefighters equipped with an automatic defibrillator. Firefighters later returned to help lift the body.

11:22 a.m. — Marion ambulance attendants, firefighters, and the county ambulance director helped lift a patient returning by out-of-county ambulance to a residence in the 700 block of S. Freeborn St. in Marion.

2:07 p.m. — Marion and Florence firefighters were paged for an intentional pasture fire that grew out of control near 160th and Clover Rds. However, the call was canceled before most firefighters arrived. Florence was called because only three Marion firefighters responded.

4:54 p.m. — Marion firefighters spent about two hours burning 15 acres along Fairway Dr. in Marion as a training exercise.

5:22 p.m. — Remains of a tree that caught fire during a controlled burn on Nighthawk Rd. just west of Peabody was moved by Peabody firefighters into an already burned area where it could safely smolder.

7:24 p.m. — A 16-year-old girl with sepsis was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance from HCH to Wesley Children’s Hospital, Wichita. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 9:43 p.m.

10:08 p.m. — An 80-year-old woman who fell at a farmhouse near 30th and Sunflower Rds. was taken to NMC Health by Marion ambulance. The ambulance returned to Marion at 12:56 a.m. Peabody ambulance also was paged but did not answer.


3:40 a.m. — What likely began as a controlled burn before igniting railroad ties near tracks southwest of 280th and Falcon Rds. was brought under control within an hour by Durham firefighters.

10:15 a.m. — A dizzy 89-year-old woman in the 100 block of Lombard St. in Lincolnville was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance. Lincolnville first responders were paged but did not answer.

3:09 p.m. — A woman possibly having a miscarriage at a home in the 200 block of N. 4th St. in Marion declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance

3:30 p.m. — Dispatched immediately after concluding the previous call, Marion ambulance reported to St. Luke to transfer a patient to St. Francis. The ambulance returned to Marion at 6:16 p.m.

6:11 p.m. — Fire in a tree in the 400 block of S. Freeborn St. in Marion was extinguished within 20 minutes by Marion firefighters.

10:31 p.m. — Two girls, ages 16 and 17, a boy age 15, and a young man age 20, involved in a crash after what a caller thought was a race between two vehicles on 240th Rd. west of Old Mill Rd. were checked by Marion ambulance attendants but declined to be taken to a hospital. Marion firefighters and rescue squad members also responded. A wrecker was called for at least one of the vehicles, which was reported to be on its side.


1:35 a.m. — An 81-year-old woman with a fever and unstable vital signs at Peabody Health and Rehab was taken to NMC Health by Hillsboro ambulance. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 3:28 p.m. Peabody ambulance was paged but did not answer. A Peabody police officer did instead, radioing details about the patient’s condition from nursing home personnel to ambulance attendants.

4:04 p.m. — A 74-year-old woman who fell and hurt her back at Hilltop Manor in Marion declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance and opted instead to go by a privately owned vehicle.

8:49 p.m. — An 85-year-old man with a vitamin stuck in his throat at an apartment in the 100 block of N. Washington St. in Hillsboro declined to be taken to a hospital by Hillsboro ambulance.


8:35 p.m. — A 26-year-old man with chest pains and trouble breathing in the 100 block of W. Santa Fe St. in Marion was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance. Asked by hospital personnel, ambulance attendants said it was unclear whether the patient had been using drugs.


2:03 a.m. — A 66-year-old woman with abdominal pain at a home on Pioneer Ct. at Marion County Park and Lake was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.

9:43 a.m. — A 65-year-old woman who fell because of low blood sugar in the 300 block of S. Ash St. in Hillsboro declined to be taken to a hospital by Hillsboro ambulance.

10:26 a.m. — A 71-year-old woman with arm and chest pain at Indian Guide Terrace apartments in Peabody was taken to NMC Health by Hillsboro ambulance. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 12:35 p.m.

11:16 a.m. — Goessel firefighters stood by for 1½ hours at a controlled burn near 160th Rd. and K-15.

7:02 p.m. — Peabody firefighters stood by during a controlled burn near 80th and Sunflower Rds.

8:27 p.m. — An 85-year-old man with cardiac issues was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance from St. Luke to St. Francis. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 11:38 p.m.

Last modified April 11, 2024