• Last modified 366 days ago (March 14, 2024)



Broadcasts about these fire and ambulance calls were monitored this past week by the newspaper:


12:03 a.m. — A fire alarm at a house in the 200 block of N. Lincoln St. in Hillsboro was canceled before Hillsboro firefighters arrived.

8:27 a.m. — A 59-year-old woman with leg and hip pain after a fall a day earlier was taken by Marion ambulance to St. Luke Hospital, Marion, from the 500 block of N. Cedar St. in Marion.

4:50 p.m. — An 88-year-old woman, dizzy and unable to get up at a house near US-50 and Mustang Rd., was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to NMC Health, formerly Newton Medical Center. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 6:26 p.m. Peabody ambulance was paged but did not answer.

5:47 p.m. — First Marion ambulance, then Tampa ambulance, were told to stand by while sheriff’s deputies intervened in a domestic dispute in the 200 block of N. Vernon St. in Lehigh. Marion ambulance attendants decided to stand down after Tampa ambulance was dispatched. Dispatchers then told Tampa ambulance attendants to stand down because a woman complaining of back, head, and tailbone pain declined to be examined. However, deputies asked that Tampa ambulance continue. The ambulance ended up taking her to Hillsboro Community Hospital.

6:49 p.m. — Hillsboro firefighters, rescue squad members, and ambulance initially were dispatched to an automated report of a traffic accident near US-56 and Falcon Rd. but were told to stand down after a sheriff’s deputy reported no injuries or entrapment.


11:40 a.m. — A 47-year-old woman complaining of back pain after surgery was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to HCH from a Main Street Ministries apartment in Hillsboro.

5:40 p.m. — A 79-year-old man with a fractured hip was transferred by Marion ambulance from St. Luke to NMC. The ambulance returned to Marion at 7:34 p.m.


3:34 a.m. — A 77-year-old woman who fell and might have broken her hip at Peabody Health and Rehab was taken to NMC by Hillsboro ambulance, which returned to Hillsboro at 5:33 a.m. Peabody ambulance was paged but did not answer.

7 a.m. — A tree fire, part of a controlled burn near K-15 and 120th Rd., was reported by four passers-by, checked by a Goessel firefighter, and determined to pose no danger of spreading.

7:13 a.m. — A 79-year-old man complaining of a severe headache, possibly related to COVID-19, declined to be taken to a hospital by Hillsboro ambulance from the 300 block of N. Poplar St. in Peabody. Peabody ambulance also was dispatched.

10:29 a.m. — A woman was found dead at Indian Guide Terrance apartments in Peabody. Hillsboro ambulance, Peabody police, and a coroner were called.

1:11 p.m. — A man was found dead at a home in the 200 block of S. Adams St. in Hillsboro. Hillsboro ambulance, Hillsboro police, and a coroner were called.

1:27 p.m. — A 17-year-old girl who lost consciousness and collapsed at Peabody-Burns Middle School was taken to NMC by Hillsboro ambulance, which returned to Hillsboro at 2:54 p.m. Peabody ambulance and the county ambulance director also responded.

1:30 p.m. — Smoke from a stove in the 600 block of Elm St. in Peabody caused Peabody, Marion, and Florence firefighters to be dispatched, but the first Peabody firefighter to arrive told other units to stand down.


10:12 a.m. — A clammy 28-year-old man with trouble breathing at Homestead Senior Residences in Marion declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance, which asked Marion police to also respond to the call.

11:53 a.m. — A 93-year-old woman who fell the night before and remained on the floor at a home in the 800 block of N. Elm St. in Peabody was taken to Ascension Via Christi St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, by Hillsboro ambulance. The ambulance, diverted there from NMC. returned to Hillsboro at 2:15 p.m. Peabody ambulance was paged but did not answer.

1:54 p.m. — Less than four hours after the initial call, Marion police and ambulance were sent back to the same patient and apartment at Homestead Senior Residences. He again declined to be taken to a hospital.

4:22 p.m. — A nauseated 79-year-old woman vomiting at HCH was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance to NMC. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 6:10 p.m.


4:45 a.m. — A man having trouble breathing and coughing up blood at Oakwood Manor Apartments in Hillsboro was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.

4:50 a.m. — A man with congestive heart failure, having trouble breathing at Indian Guide Terrace apartments in Peabody, was taken to NMC by Marion ambulance after attendants struggled to figure out how to get into the complex. The ambulance returned to Marion at 6:47 a.m.

1:21 p.m. — A controlled burn that grew out of control and threatened a farmhouse on 220th Rd. east of US-56/77 was brought under control within an hour by firefighters from Marion. Marion’s fire chief initially asked for aid from Lincolnville firefighters because few Marion firefighters answered a page. No one from Lincolnville answered, however, and the call eventually was canceled.

1:36 p.m. — An 82-year-old woman with high blood pressure was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance from HCH to Kansas Heart Hospital, Wichita. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 4:33 p.m.

2:47 p.m. — An 83-year-old man with hip pain at a home in the 500 block of N. Roosevelt St. in Marion declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance.

3:59 p.m. — Peabody firefighters helped Harvey County firefighters battle a vehicle fire that spread to grass near NE 96th Rd. and Webb Rd.

7:39 p.m. — A disoriented woman at Flying Eagle truck stop in Florence was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.


6:10 a.m. — A 77-year-old woman who fell at a residence in the 400 block of Briarwood Ln. in Hillsboro was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.

9:33 a.m. — A driver standing atop a pickup truck that fell off a bridge on US-56 and into Clear Creek north of Marion was rescued by Hillsboro and Marion firefighters using one of Hillsboro’s water rescue boats. Hillsboro firefighters remained on the scene until 12:04 p.m. Marion ambulance also was paged but was not needed.

6:52 p.m. — A 79-year-old man who fell in the 600 block of N. Elm St. in Peabody declined to be taken to a hospital by Hillsboro ambulance.

10:01 p.m. — One of two people involved in a car-deer accident in which airbags were deployed on US-56/77 near 310th Rd. asked to be checked by Tampa ambulance attendants and Lincolnville first responders but declined to be taken to a hospital.

10:57 p.m. — Peabody police and Hillsboro ambulance were called to Peabody Health and Rehab after a female patient with psychological problems jumped out a second-story window there. Peabody firefighters helped lift the patient, who was taken in life-threatening condition to Wesley Medical Center, Wichita.


1:05 a.m. — Three law enforcement officers and Marion ambulance were called to Oakwood Manor apartments in Hillsboro after an apparently intoxicated 67-year-old man requested them. He was not taken to a hospital, and ambulance attendants asked dispatchers to have police respond if he called again.

7:31 a.m. — A 39-year-old man having trouble walking after falling the night before was checked by Hillsboro ambulance attendants but declined to be taken to a hospital from the 600 block of N. Elm St. in Peabody.

9:35 a.m. — A disoriented 71-year-old man unable to get out of bed at Hilltop Manor apartments in Marion was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.

2:15 p.m. — A fire alarm at Westview Manor in Peabody was determined by Peabody firefighters to have been a false alarm for a fire drill.

3:07 p.m. — A man working on an antique vehicle that caught fire in the 500 block of Commercial St. in Marion was taken to St. Francis by Marion ambulance with burns on his arms and chest. Marion firefighters extinguished the vehicle fire and a small fire inside a shed within 30 minutes. The ambulance returned to Marion at 5:45 p.m.

5:47 p.m. — A 71-year-old man with an anticoagulant drip was transferred by Marion ambulance from St. Luke to NMC. The ambulance returned to Marion at 7:43 p.m.

Last modified March 14, 2024