• Last modified 343 days ago (April 4, 2024)


Don't be in the dark about eclipse

Staff writer

An 88% solar eclipse will be visible Monday. It will begin here at 12:32 p.m., peak at 1:50 p.m., and end at 3:09 p.m.

The sky will not be as dark as the last eclipse in 2017. That was a total eclipse. Less-than-total eclipses produce only moderate darkening of sunlight.

To a casual observer, sunlight will appear near normal during early and late parts of the eclipse. Noticeable effects will occur only around the peak time.

The weather forecast for Monday is neither terrible nor great. The National Weather Service predicts periods of sunshine and clouds with a 19% chance of rain. Temperatures should be ideal, however, with a high of 71 forecast.

It is not safe at any point during the eclipse to look directly at the sun unless solar eclipse glasses are worn.

It also is not safe to photograph the eclipse without special camera filters.

Area schools and libraries have plans for eclipse day. Among them:

County libraries

Marion City Library, Peabody Township Library, and Hillsboro Library are giving away solar eclipse glasses.

Marion will give them away on the day of the eclipse. Peabody is giving them away now. Hillsboro is temporarily out but expects to have more in on Thursday.

Hillsboro schools

Superintendent Clint Corby said the district purchased some eclipse-viewing glasses and Lions Club donated others.

“We will have enough glasses for all students and staff,” Corby said.

Viewing the eclipse will be a district-wide event, but teachers will have the opportunity to use the eclipse as a learning opportunity in their classrooms.

“The next time this level of an eclipse will be visible will be 2044, so we thought we should capitalize on the opportunity for our students and staff to be able to witness it,” Corby said. “However, we also understand that this is Kansas, and the weather may have different ideas that day.”

Marion schools

Principal Donald Raymer said the high school had no particular eclipse-related plans, but students who want to go outside and look at the eclipse will be able to use solar eclipse glasses the school district purchased for every student.

“Since we will only be experiencing about 88% coverage, we are not planning on doing a lot at the middle and high school,” middle school principal Kelsey Metro said.

Elementary school principal Jenna Fanshier said a variety of classroom activities were planned during the week and most students would view the eclipse.

Goessel schools

“Our eighth grade students are coming over to the elementary school,” superintendent Mark Crawford said. “They have prepared hands-on science-themed lessons for the students, explaining how the eclipse works.

“On the day of the eclipse, teachers will be taking their students outside. We purchased glasses from the Hillsboro Lions Club for our students to wear.”

Centre schools

Centre Schools ordered solar eclipse glasses from Hillsboro Lions Club.

“Our science teachers are working on planning activities for the students,” junior high and high school principal Trevor Siebert said. “They have also talked about how they will be able to track it as it comes across the United States.”

Peabody-Burns schools

Ryan Bartel, middle and high school principle at Peabody-Burns Schools said students would watch the eclipse.

Last modified April 4, 2024