• Last modified 286 days ago (May 29, 2024)


Domestic battery suspect jailed elsewhere

A Marion man arrested May 21 was taken to McPherson County Jail instead of Marion County Jail because a family member works for the jail here, interim Police Chief Zach Hudlin said.

Stuart F. Parks, 64, remained in jail Tuesday in lieu of $7,500 bond after being arrested on suspicion of two counts of domestic battery and one count of assault.

Hudlin said Parks’ wife was sitting on the porch of their home in the 400 block of S. Roosevelt St. when Parks, intoxicated, opened a screen door and hit her with it twice.

Their daughter, who lives next door, saw the incident and confronted Parks. Parks then “karate chopped” her on both sides of the neck, Hudlin said.

Last modified May 29, 2024