• Last modified 366 days ago (March 14, 2024)



These deeds were reported last week as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records.

Christopher M. and Shannon Novak to Christopher M. Novak, quitclaim deed to 1469 260th Rd. along with 41.64 acres.

Duaglo LLC to Rachel A. Szikszai, 311 S. Ash St., Hillsboro.

Allen and Jennifer Stapleford to Janice L. Davis, quitclaim deed to 1412 Palm St.

Gerald A. and Heather Vinduska to Ali Intisar and Noshaba Ali, 1926 275th Rd.

Frances Delores Frantz, executor, to Christopher D. and Mitchell D. Frantz, executor’s deed to 3066 Indigo Rd. along with 59.34 acres and 79.84 acres east of Indigo Rd. between 290th and 200th Rds.

Michael Emmet Blaes to Thomas Patrick and Robert Joseph Blaes, transfer-on-death warranty deed to 336 Grandview St., Florence.

Jacob and Kyla Fish to Christine M. Sampsell, 307 N. Main St., Hillsboro.

Kristine Jo Kirchner to Francie Kaye Roush, quitclaim deed to undivided 1/12 interest in 1.58 acres north of 230th Rd. between Turkey Creek Rd. and US-56/77 and 428.14 acres south of 230th Rd. between US-56/77 and Sunrise Rd.

Dale and Andrea Klenda to Timothy J. and Amanda J. Baxa, 39.52 acres south of 290th Rd. between Quail Creek and Remington Rds.

Theron D. Nienstedt to T.C. Kiefer Investments LLC, 310 S. Grant St., Marion.

Last modified March 14, 2024