• Last modified 324 days ago (March 20, 2024)


division cases

This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.

Randy R. Carlson, 32, Marion, formally was charged March 12 with three counts of violation of a protection order.

Christopher D. Carr formally was charged March 7 with theft.

Bryan T. Grosse, 43, Marion, formally was charged March 7 with disorderly conduct and theft.

William T. Ledford formally was charged March 13 with two counts of arson, a fraudulent insurance act, making false information, interference with law enforcement, impairing a security interest, and endangerment.

Jesse L. Marshall, 43, Wichita, formally was charged March 13 with battery.

James R. A. McColl, 51, Lehigh, formally was charged March 12 with aggravated battery.

Gary L. Steele, 69, Lincolnville, was sentenced March 4 to 18 months’ parole for domestic battery, criminal restraint, and endangerment. He was ordered to pay $263 and take a batterer’s intervention class. Charges of aggravated battery and aggravated assault were dismissed.

Last modified March 20, 2024