• Last modified 295 days ago (April 18, 2024)


Centre diver wins

Staff writer

The Marion coop swim team placed 11th out of 19 this past weekend during the North Ladies Swim Invitational in Wichita.

“Overall I think the team is doing really well,” coach MacKenzie Magee said.

“We are over halfway through and we are still seeing really good drops,” Magee said.

Olivia Carlson won first place this weekend for the meter dive.

Lauryn Vogt won second place in the 100 freestyle and fourth place in the 200 freestyle.

Leah Brunner placed tenth in the 100 breaststroke.

Vogt, along with, Tandice Tajchman, Violet Klein, and Caitlin Thornhill placed 12th in the 200 Medley.

“Tajchman has good time drops in both events she swam,” Magee said.

“She is a freshman who also swims club and has been a great addition to the team this year.”

Marion coop swim will be hosting an event this Friday at the Sports & Aquatic Center.

Last modified April 18, 2024