• Last modified 302 days ago (April 10, 2024)


april 14, 1949

The state highway department this week issued formal call for bids on completing the new US 77 highway cutoff through Marion County.

Marion County’s popular former sheriff, Lloyd Davies, this week went to work in his new position as deputy fire marshal for the State of Kansas. He will be covering the entire state and plans to remain in Marion and headquarter here.

Two PTA groups were organized Monday night. The valley group elected Mrs. Harold Hauser as president of its unit, and the hill group elected Richard Brodhead as its president.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ehrlich entertained last Friday evening with a dinner honoring their son, Robert, on his 14th birthday. Guests were Johnny Childs, Irvin Eitzen, Myron Jantz, Ronnie Post, Harold Shields, and Jimmie Smith.

Kroger advertises Swift’s Premium or Armour Star whole or half shank hams for 55 cents per pound, or the butt half for 59 cents per pound. With the purchase of a ham, you can get a 10-inch stainless steel ham slicer for 39 cents.

Last modified April 10, 2024