• Last modified 134 days ago (Oct. 30, 2024)


NOV. 5, 1964

County commissioners this week gave public notice that they would offer for sale at auction the property commonly known as Cedar Rest, the former county old folks home.

The property is located four miles west and three miles south of Marion. It consists of the building and furniture along with fixtures and about 31 acres.

The nation’s most popular polka band for the ninth consecutive year, Six Fat Dutchmen (all 10 of them), will come to Pilsen and perform Nov. 12 at Starlite Ballroom.

Girls of the MHS Future Homemakers of America staged a mock homecoming last week. King candidates were Francis Breech, Myron Frans, George Jackson, and Ron Kreutziger.

Halftime ceremonies were impressive. Candidates were escorted onto the field by Linda Amick, Barbara Bailey, Donna Endres, Linda Helmer, Helen Jackson, Henrietta Klein, Sherry Knoblock, and Connie Stage.

FHA president Linda McElwain crowned George Jackson as homecoming king.

Old-fashioned goodness at an old-fashioned price: Triple dipper ice cream cone, 19 cents, at your Peter Pan Ice Cream Store, 213 E. Main St., Marion.

Last modified Oct. 30, 2024