• Last modified 366 days ago (March 14, 2024)


march 19, 1964

Because of indiscriminate dumping and abuse of city dump facilities, causing damage to neighboring property, the city of Marion has found it necessary to hire a caretaker and to instruct him to collect a 25-cent gate fee for all users of the dump.

Five Marion High School students have been selected to attend Sunflower Girls State and Boys State gatherings this year at Lawrence. They are Carol Caselman, Gilbert Johnson, Gene Schimpf, Melody Thompson, and Don Westerhaus.

Wayne Schroeder of Hillsboro has purchased Klassen Barber Shop in Marion. He took over operation of the business Tuesday. Verlan Klassen, former owner of the shop, was forced to sell because of a skin allergy on his hands.

The operetta “Rumpelstiltskin” will be presented Friday by the sixth grade. Major parts will be played by Roger Bennett, Gwen Broz, Dean Ensey, David Gooding, Anita Hett, Stanley Hett, Janel Klose, Becky Lentz, Chuck McElwain, Wayne Mott, Terry Plenert, Debbie Schrader, Rita Stika, Vince Tharp, and Patsy Wood.

Nancy Klenda is the 1964 Cougar Sweetheart at Centre High School. Her attendants are Mary Agnes Bina, Gloria Lewerenz, Kris Schubert, and Mary Ann Svitak.

Last modified March 14, 2024