• Last modified 253 days ago (May 30, 2024)


june 8, 1994

Two businesses soon will call Marion Industrial Park home. Marion Motor Center will move by July 15 to the park on US-56, says owner Gerry Harris of Marion. Pizza Hut will open its doors by Aug. 1, co-owner Bob Navrat of Marion says. The two businesses are under construction.

An estimated 350 bicyclists will be in Marion June 15 to attend the annual Bike across Kansas tour. Businesses are being asked to offer special evening hours for the visitors, who will stay overnight in Marion Gym.

St. Luke Hospital and Living Center’s courtyard is now graced by a miniature fountain and reflection pool, Maintenance supervisor Harry Bennett said the limestone edging of the pool came from a resident’s farmstead. The decorative concrete statue will be removed in the winter and stored indoors.

Alice Litton of Peabody is Amy Smith’s choice this week as a person who made a difference in his or her community.

Pam Kruse is pictured with dozen of medals earned in four years of cross-country and track competition for Marion High School. Most medals are unopened, still in their plastic wrappers.

Last modified May 30, 2024