• Last modified 219 days ago (July 3, 2024)


july 11, 1879

A quarrel between two hands on the M&M railroad west of Marion Centre the other day resulted in one of them being badly stabbed in several places by the other. Dr. Waring was called and reports the injured man pretty badly hurt.

A.A. Moore came in the first of the week from Trinidad to visit his first love — Marion Centre. “Lank” had just as well quit trying to live away from Marion. He can’t do it.

Married at the residence of the bride in Marion Centre on July 3rd, 1879, by H.V.R. Wilmot, probate judge: Mr. James D. Riggs of Florence and Miss Mary Mawherter of Marion Centre.

Mr. Riggs, one of the cleverest men in the county, is to be congratulated upon having won the hand of one of Marion Centre’s most excellent ladies.

Our foreman is the most miserable man in town, the report having been circulated that he was married at Peabody on the Fourth. He is of all men the most miserable because the report is untrue.

Wheat harvest is getting well over, and the yield promises to be better than was supposed.

Last modified July 3, 2024