• Last modified 257 days ago (Feb. 7, 2024)


FEB. 18, 1909

When changes now being made at the YMCA building are completed, it will be wired for electric light and piped for natural gas. Nothing like being ready.

Saturday of this week at 2 o’clock W.A. Stauffer will offer for sale on Main St. 10 head of 3-year-old mules broke to work; also one span of heavy draft horses 9 and 10 years old; one gelding 5 years old, weight about 1,300 pounds, and one bay mare 6 years old. John McCarty, auctioneer.

There will be a masquerade skate Monday night, the 22nd, at the Rink,

It only cost 15 cents to be a passenger of the Areo Interplanetary Transit Co. last Saturday evening. It was most “up in the air” so far as taxable property went. The young people comprising the company made a success of the enterprise, and that’s what counts. Two rooms on the second floor of the Dean Building were decorated in hearts. They had a nail-driving contest, a shopping contest, and after the program a nice lunch. Girls in the M.E. Sunday school hit on this plan of raising some money for their missionary offering, and they cleared $10.95.

Last modified Feb. 7, 2024