• Last modified 253 days ago (May 30, 2024)


june 11, 1914

It was a remarkable meeting—the Republican meeting here Monday afternoon. Arthur Capper, Republican candidate for governor, was the principal speaker, and he received a splendid reception.

Henry Schubert brought your Record man some gooseberries he raised. They are the finest we ever saw. They measure 2½ inches in circumference, and one that he picked measured 2¾.

Anna Carlson says that while it might be all right to make sport of the churches that have the ceremony of feet-washing, she believes that is preferable to the ceremony of hair pulling that some churches indulge in.

Dr. J.F. Coffman is a new car owner. It is a Velie roadster.

Mrs. Fred Kreuger suffered serious injury last Sunday. A team behind which she and her son were riding became frightened and started to run, and Mrs. Kreuger jumped from the buggy. Both bones of one limb were broken close above the ankle, and she was otherwise bruised. She was brought in to the Marion Hospital and is getting along very well.

Last modified May 30, 2024