• Last modified 366 days ago (March 14, 2024)


MARCH 19, 1914

Taylor Riddle and Al Richardson received a cablegram from H.S. Martin this week offering them appointments to good positions in the Philippines. Both have wired provisional acceptance.

The acceptance of Riddle is dependent upon the condition of his son, who underwent an operation the other day and is in the hospital.

Richardson’s acceptance is conditioned upon his being able to dispose of his grocery business.

Irene Greasart, deputy probate judge, performed her first marriage ceremony Sunday, the bride and groom being from Florence. Judge Greer was out of town.

The Grand Army of the Republic post is organizing a local camp of Sons of Veterans. John Amick, Sam Grimes, and H.M. Thorp constitute the committee having the matter in charge. All sons of veterans are eligible.

E.F. Knott, who recently moved to the Tompkins farm that he bought — a fine farm adjoining the town on the southeast and known as the Watson or Uncle George Griffith farm — has had a city water connection made with the place and put in electric lights and is otherwise improving the place.

The management of the Elgin Hotel had a St. Patrick’s Day dance Tuesday evening.

Last modified March 14, 2024