Marion County RECORD
Vol. 155 , No. 36
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Marion, KS 66861
Goessel boils over with conflict over firing
Controversy is boiling in Goessel over the firing of the city’s public works director and suspicions about the city’s part-time police officer. Public works director Karen Dalke was summoned to the city shop May 14. Once there, she was asked to turn in her keys and city phone and sign a letter saying she was fired.
Storm slams Burns
A thunderstorm Sunday evening in Burns drew the attention of the National Weather Service in Wichita, which sent surveyors to assess whether the town’s damage was caused by straight-line winds or a tornado. The storm also drew neighbors from around the area to help.
Mayor, staff split on when to budget
Marion mayor Mike Powers’ attempt to have city council members discuss budgetary needs June 10 met with objections Monday from clerk Janet Robinson and interim administrator Mark McAnarney. Both suggested waiting until property valuations come in June 15 and a consultant from the Loyd Group goes over them June 24 so department heads would have a better idea how much money they could spend.
Mayor explains splash pad leak
Contending there was “nothing sinister or underhanded,” Marion Mayor Mike Powers concluded Monday’s city council meeting by explaining how discussion of a proposed splash pad managed to make its way into meeting minutes even though it had never been discussed in a public session. Powers said he had met with leaders from Marion Advancement Campaign and Marion Economic Development Inc. to see “what kind of things we might want to do.”
County neglects to publish 6 of 7 quarterly statements
Marion County missed publishing six of seven legally required quarterly reports over the past year and a half. Treasurer Tina Groening, appointed in November after Susan Berg died of cancer, said the missing reports were attributable to Berg’s illness and office employees having to learn new tasks.
Incumbents only filings to date for hospital vote
Names on the ballot for Tuesday’s annual board election at St. Luke Hospital are Chris Mercer and Kathy Inlow. Although expanding public access to the election has been discussed for a year, the election process is the same this year as in the past, pending further discussion by the board.
A dream deferred becomes a dream realized
It took her a while, but at age 46, Staci Gallatin of Wichita finally has fulfilled her lifelong goal of earning a high school diploma. She was one of 16 Kansas Online Learning Program graduates who walked across the stage Sunday at Centre High School to receive their high school diplomas.
Elgin to get new restaurant
Former culinary instructors at Butler Community College who also were chefs in New York City and Wichita will take over the former Chef’s Plate at Parlour 1886 next month. “We are thrilled to announce that Parlour 1886 has embarked on an exciting new culinary journey under our ownership,” chefs Luis and Alicia Pena announced in an email from the Historic Elgin Hotel.
Seniors graduate before a full house
With temperatures in the upper 80s, printed programs became fans for a lot of people as they packed Centre High School’s gymnasium Sunday for graduation ceremonies. Centre’s 29 traditional graduates made up the school’s largest graduating since 2008 and the 65th class in Centre’s history. Their departure will leave a big hole in Centre’s high school enrollment next year.
This spud's for you, 4th graders
Marion Elementary School fourth-graders celebrated their next-to-last day of school last week by having fun with potatoes. The class went to Central Park, complete with potatoes painted like national flags, and staged a Potato Olympics competition.
Sexual assaults alleged
A Newton man whose address is not disclosed in jail records was arrested Monday by Hillsboro police on an assortment of child sex charges. Ernest L. Edens, 49, Newton, was arrested on suspicion of rape, two counts of aggravated indecent liberties with a child younger than 14, and aggravated indecent solicitation of child younger than 14. He was being held in lieu of $250,000 bond and is scheduled for his first appearance in court this afternoon.
Final touches being put on Grand Prix racetrack
In the final days before Sunday’s Florence Grand Prix motorcycle race, volunteers are feverishly completing every detail of its racetrack. Five hundred twenty racers from several states are registered for the event.
Family deeply rooted to Florence race
Tobe Moore’s family has been involved with Florence Grand Prix since the first year of the race in 1972. This year will culminate in nine family members entering the race.
Work to close 290th for 2 months
Work to rebuild 290th Rd. between Remington Rd. and US-56/77 will begin Tuesday. The road is expected to be closed to through traffic until July 24.
Dolores Brooks
Lonnie Bartel
Accidents reported
Civil Division cases
County jail arrests and bookings
Criminal Division cases
Deeds recorded
Emergency dispatches
Offenses reported
Police activity reports
Traffic Division cases
These suckers can really tick you off
Rain has been plentiful so far this year. While that’s great for crops and gardens, tall grass creates a tick hazard. Outdoor activities, including fishing, camping, hiking, and hunting, bring people incontact with ticks hiding in grass and waiting for prey.
Steps to protect against ticks
Blood drives planned
Two blood drives are planned in coming weeks in Marion County. Donations will be accepted 1 to 6 p.m. June 3 at Goessel Church, 109 S. Church St., Goessel, and noon to 6 p.m. June 10 at Hillsboro United Methodist Church, 905 E. D St., Hillsboro.
When reason takes a holiday
Forget the massive divides that separate America. They’re specks compared to the motes in Marion County’s eyes. What are reasonable people to make of this week’s news?
Earth Day every day
Lake roads
Thanks for service
Memorial Day services planned
Several communities in Marion County will have Memorial Day events Monday. In Hillsboro, the American Legion will conduct a ceremony at 10 a.m. at Memorial Park. Complete with a speaker, gunfire, and patriotic songs performed by high school singers, the ceremony will be followed by a steak dinner at the American Legion hall. Tickets are available for $18 through Friday at the Legion Hall or Hillsboro Hardware.
Senior center menus
School degrees and honors
145 years ago
21 county athletes head to state
To earn a spot at this week’s prestigious state track meet, athletes must finish in the top four spots at a regional meet. A total of 21 Marion County athletes did just that at regionals last week.
Centre leads in golf
The two-day state golf tournament started one hour late on Monday because of storm damage Sunday night at the Hesston golf course. Centre
Vogt wins twice; Carlson 3rd
Marion County’s consolidated swim team, featuring athletes from Hillsboro, Peabody-Burns, Centre, and Marion, competed Saturday against 36 other schools in the state swimming championships at Shawnee Mission Hillsboro’s Lauryn Vogt led the consolidated team with victories in the 100 fly and the 50 freestyle.
Marion seeded 2nd
After winning back-to-back regional championships, the Warriors are heading to state competition starting Thursday. Marion will be in the first game of the day at the Great Bend Sports Complex, with the first pitch scheduled for 11am.
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