• Last modified 38 days ago (Dec. 30, 2024)


Wildcat victory?

To the editor:

I think it’s silly to think that “Warriors” is insulting to indigenous peoples of the state. What’s next? Change the name of the state or of numerous communities? 

But, if it must be, why not honor the man the town was named for? Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox. Totally unique. Not offensive (except maybe to some British).

Surely, there are possibilities to honor Florence and its history. I personally like the Railers. Trains, Orphans, Harvey House, etc. All connect Florence and railroading. 

Sorry, it’s all too logical. Wildcats makes perfect sense —if the colors are changes to plum and white. 

Watching how this plays out will be a great way to pass the winter. 

Go Fox!

John Sandwell
Evansville, Indiana

Last modified Dec. 30, 2024