• Last modified 2232 days ago (Feb. 14, 2019)


Coffee and tea shop to open

Dorothy’s House, a coffee and tea shop across from the Elgin Hotel, will open soon in Marion will serve breakfast and lunch between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Guest speaker Jerry Mendoza, who will run the business, told Kiwanians about the plans last week.

Glenda Duke McCord purchased the house and started renovations in 2017.

She wanted to bring the yellow home, built by J.W. Moore in 1887, back to its original beauty and provide a ministry for families and marriages to the community.

Mendoza hopes the coffee shop and tearoom will subsidize and support a counseling center upstairs.

Mendoza loves working with kids. He plans to hire older youths to mentor and inspire them to go to college.

“Kids need help learning about expectations of performance and achieving goals,” Mendoza said. “They need to learn these things in a Christian environment.”

Dorothy’s also will provide an adult-supervised safe haven for kids to hang out after school until 10 p.m.

Last modified Feb. 14, 2019