• Last modified 2550 days ago (May 17, 2017)


Barney elected Centre FFA president

Staff writer

New Centre FFA officers were installed at the conclusion of the annual FFA awards banquet last Wednesday. They are Zach Barney, president; Grace Knepp, vice president; Grace Peterson, secretary/treasurer; Meghan David, reporter; and Jensen Riffel, sentinel.

About 120 people attended the event led by this year’s president Raeanne Bryant.

Chapter proficiency awards were presented to Greg Oborny in beef production placement, Payton Harms in beef production entrepreneurship, Deines in diversified crop production, James Spohn in poultry production placement and swine production placement, Riffel in swine production entrepreneurship, Barney in vegetable production placement, and Knepp in diversified livestock production placement.

Dalton Stika received $100 as top fruit salesman, selling 898 items.

Riffel was named star greenhand, Deines was star farmer, and Oborny was star in ag placement.

Hannah Peterson was awarded scholarships from the FFA alumni, James Weber Memorial Fund, and an anonymous leadership scholarship. Cole Methvin received a Pete Peterson Memorial scholarship, and Bryant received a scholarship from American Red Cross.

David and Sandy Oborny were named honorary members of Centre FFA.

Last modified May 17, 2017