• Last modified 1926 days ago (Jan. 24, 2019)


Auxiliary style show brings out supporters

Staff writer

St. Luke Hospital Auxiliary members and guests, 92 in all, were treated to a new event at the annual meeting Thursday at Marion Community Center.

Co-manager Mary Ann Conyers emceed a style show featuring outfits created from items purchased at St. Luke Auxiliary Shoppe.

She introduced models, 2 to 70 years old, and described items purchased for their outfits.

Models included officers, store managers, and volunteers. The four children who exhibited outfits were relatives of auxiliary members.

Outfit prices were as low as $2, going up to the most expensive, $32.

Hospital CEO Jeremy Ensey drew excitement when he exhibited a knee scooter, and marketing director Roger Schroeder exhibited a walker.

2019 auxiliary officers were installed. They are Mary Griffith, president; Janet Herzet, vice president; Eileen Sieger, secretary; and Peggy Blackman, treasurer.

The meeting featured a meal prepared in the deli at Carlsons’ Grocery and served by Marion High School Key Club members.

Ensey said he recently gave a visiting hospital administrator a tour of the hospital, living center, and clinic.

“I told him we could not have made the improvements to the hospital complex without the contributions from the auxiliary,” he said.

Gross receipts in 2018 were $135,481.02, and profit was $75,270.36. The auxiliary contributed $82,708 to the hospital, living center, and clinic, including two $25,000 pledge payments. The organization also provided two college scholarships. It had 186 members as of Jan. 1.

Last modified Jan. 24, 2019