• Last modified 9 days ago (Jan. 29, 2025)


Feb. 2, 1950

“King Arthur and his Knights of the Roundtable” was theme for a Cub Scout pack meeting. Den chief Johnny Williams was the leading knight and knighted (inducted) new scouts Lane Broadstreet, Mark Childs, Charles Maltbie, Robert Melton, Jerry Shirley, Jon Thole, and Leroy Winters.

Still another improvement among Marion business houses has been completed. Rainbow Café, owned by Ben Meier, has installed all-new booths, wainscoting, and an electric beverage cooler.

Polio victim Nadine Tiemeier of Lincolnville came home the last of the week from St. Francis Hospital, Wichita. She is getting along nicely. Bob Holmes, also of the Lincolnville area, is still in the hospital and is showing improvement

Marion Creamery Co. has added Snow Crop to its line of frozen foods, ice cream, and other dairy products distributed by the local concern.

Carol Sue Conyers, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Conyers, suffered a broken leg while playing at school late Monday. She is in Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, where she will undergo surgery Thursday.

Last modified Jan. 29, 2025