• Last modified 38 days ago (Dec. 30, 2024)


jan. 5, 1950

As we look back on the tired and worn out remains of the year 1949, we find that although it is gone it will long be remembered. It was a year of pleasant, friendly business relations, peaceful both nationally and locally, and a period of progress.

Petitions of Herington High School and Hope High School to join the Cottonwood Valley League were accepted Wednesday evening. The action enlarges the six-school organization to eight schools and will take effect with the fall football season this year.

Ann Davies and Judy Thatch entertained friends at a New Year’s party at the Davies home. Guests were Nila Hoopes, Anita Kline, Barbara McDaris, Carolyn Merrill, Carol Beth Miser, Wanda Propp, and Elsie Smith.

The final survey of the new location for the proposed high school gymnasium and vocational agriculture building has been completed and sent to the architect.

The location will be on the northwest corner of the intersection one block south of the high school, property recently sold to the school board by the Community Hospital Association.

Last modified Dec. 30, 2024