• Last modified 78 days ago (Dec. 23, 2024)


dec. 30, 1948

Santa really did a bang-up job of distributing treats when he was in Marion the Saturday before Christmas. The jolly old gent tossed treats and passed out sacks of candy to more than 1,000 children, and when he left town there were only 22 sacks left, according to the Chamber of Commerce.

Joyce Janzen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzen, became the bride of Dean Duke, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.V. Duke, Dec. 20 at First Baptist Church in Durham.

Howard Johnson celebrated his 12th birthday with a party Dec. 23 at his home. His mother, Mrs. Wayne Johnson, was hostess. Guests included Dick Hoch, Laurence Griggs, Sammy Jewett, Verlin Meier, Gerald Stage, Milton Weidenbener, and Bruce Wingerd. John Rupp and Oscar Davies were unable to be present.

Tonsillectomy patients recently at the Marion hospital were Ilene and Kenneth Hasenfratz, children of Joe Hasenfratz; Carol Hollar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollar; Mrs. Hurshel Raleigh; Janet Ann Stiller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stiller; and John Wayne Thole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thole.

Last modified Dec. 23, 2024