• Last modified 2112 days ago (July 26, 2018)


july 26, 1978

Calliope music and contagious carnival atmosphere greeted everyone coming to downtown Marion Saturday. Shoulder to shoulder, people made their way up and down Main Street, finding one entertaining distraction after another to catch and hold their interest.

County commissioners on Monday spent most of their regular weekly meeting discussing a proposal for a home health care agency, a grant for a 9-hole golf course and tennis courts at the county lake, and available fund sources for the road and bridge department.

George Jackson is pictured sitting next to 3,119 empty prescription containers deposited at Jackson’s Clothing Saturday. The bottle collection was another part of the “fun program” of Jackson’s ongoing sale, under the auspices of Paul Brooker Sales of Wichita.

Six Marion women were on the winning team in a Cottonwood Valley League women’s softball all-star game played this past Sunday afternoon at Cottonwood Falls. Members of the winning squad included these from Marion: Janice Bowers, Carol Colburn, Lori Schmidtberger, Donna Hajek, Paula Johnson, and Vivian Pirtle.

Two girls from Germany have arrived to stay with the David Bowers and Harold Wiens family of Marion. They will be living in the community for a year as an International Christian Youth Exchange student. Anke Blattmann is living with the Bowers family and Eva Sassenscheidt with the Wiens family.

Last modified July 26, 2018