• Last modified 2848 days ago (July 21, 2016)


july 29, 1981

Pictured on the front page are ambassadors of Marion Chamber of Commerce as they present “first dollar” plaques to Dr. Jeff Martin, family practice physician, and Dr. David Jensen, dentist, who have established their practices in the new St. Luke Medical Clinic.

County Attorney Doug Westerhaus made a plea before the county commission Monday for additional help in the sheriff’s office. At the conclusion of the meeting, no commitment was made for the requested additional deputy.

Since late last year, Terry Harmon, assistant state archivist with the Kansas Historical Society, has been visiting the attic of the courthouse each month to sort through collections of old records and prepare a description of the material for the society.

Members of the tourism committee of the Marion Chamber of Commerce have decided no commercial jewelry or other manufactured items will be offered display booths for the third annual Art in the Park set for Aug. 15.

Grinning about as wide as her 4½-pound zucchini squash, seven-year-old Lori Tice is pictured as she displays the plant she and her mother, Mrs. Martin Tice, brought in from their home garden for entry in the Marion County Record Produce Derby. They bought the seeds from Schroeder Produce in Marion.

Last modified July 21, 2016