• Last modified 78 days ago (Dec. 23, 2024)


jan. 6, 1994

New Year’s baby Brianna Lynne Williams arrived at 3:18 p.m. Monday at St. Luke Hospital. A daughter of Carey Williams of Peabody, she weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long.

Roads and streets in Marion County were coated with ice Saturday, keeping police officers and wreckers busy.

Pictured on the front page is Eugene Enos sitting in his favorite chair at home, reading a magazine on woodworking, a hobby he plans to spend more time on now that he has retired. The former principal and assistant superintendent retired at the end of December, winding up a 27½-year career with the Marion school district.

“Beary Special Babies” born during the month of December at St. Luke Hospital were Blake Martin Riggs, born Dec. 8; Melissa Liane Carlson, Dec. 12; Patrick John Hodson, Dec. 16; Andrew Wade Giesel, Dec. 17; and Patrick Aaron Jordan, Dec. 22.

Several volunteer emergency medical technicians from the Marion-based Marion County ambulance crew received service pins Monday. Those receiving one-year pins were John Bezdek, Cindy Sawyer, and Mike Taylor; five-year pin, Shelly Robertson; 10-year pins, Alana Taylor and Shawn Wunderlick; 15-year pin, Bob Matz; and 20-year pin, Gene Winkler.

Last modified Dec. 23, 2024