• Last modified 2072 days ago (Aug. 30, 2018)


september 1, 1993

Marion Kiwanis Club welcomed its first women member Monday when the board of directors voted unanimously to accept Feebie Holdeman as a member. Kiwanis was a men-only service club until 1987 when Kiwanis International voted to allow women into clubs.

Dr. and Mrs. Caleb Abbott recently were hosts at the Burr Oak neighborhood yard party. Ice cream was served with various dessert furnished by each family. Families living in the Burr Oak Addition include Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fruechting, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Richmond, Amber and Erin, Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ragole, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holdeman, and the Abbotts.

Pictured is a 16-pound cantaloupe that will provide plenty of sweet melon for Carol Coleman, Marion County Lake. Coleman grew the cantaloupe in his home garden.

Plans are being made for the 82nd annual Old Settlers’ Day parade Sept. 25. There were earlier ones, called “Old Settler Picnics” and “Ohio Reunions” but the OSD annual event got started in 1912. Theme for this year is “Marion: Diversified Success.”

Mike Holub and Corey Darrow, seniors at Marion High School, gave a presentation on their experience at Boys’ State at Monday’s meeting of Kiwanis.

Last modified Aug. 30, 2018