110 years ago
Jan. 7, 1915
A fire Tuesday night at City Laundry in the south room of the Rogers Building did damage amounting to several hundred dollars. The loss is fully covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown.
Chester Evans has sold his interest in Marion Pharmacy to his partner, Dr. W.C. Hereford. Mr. Evans expects to buy a drug store in some small town and has several places in view but has not yet made any definite decision.
Sheriff Mansfield will not occupy the county residence adjoining the jail, but Undersheriff George McKay and his family will live there.
Clyde Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Dunn, and Fern Pollitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.D. Pollitt, were united in marriage Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will live on a farm near Marion and will be at home to their many friends after March 1.
Sunday afternoon, while little Alvin Loveless of Antelope was leading his Christmas pony, in some way the horse pulled loose, whirled, and kicked him in the face. At this writing, it is not known how serious the injury is because of severe swelling. He is at the Smith-Goodsheller hospital.
Tampa has electric lights. Glick Hackler has purchased a light plant and is preparing to light the city. A number have installed lights.
Last modified Dec. 23, 2024