• Last modified 1927 days ago (Jan. 23, 2019)


january 28, 1909

The community was saddened Wednesday morning to hear of the death of Mr. W.W. Loveless which occurred at 4 o’clock that morning. Mr. Loveless had been associated with the business interests of Marion for over a quarter of a century.

H.M. Thorp is detained at home this week with la grippe.

Rosse Case was made a member of the board of directors of the Osage Fire Insurance Co., last Thursday. The Osage was organized last fall by Kansas businessmen and bankers.

The Marion County Farmers’ and Stockmen’s Institute Association met in Marion Monday and Tuesday. The two- day affair featured many subjects of vital interest to the farmer. Ten-year-old Master Clarence Zigler won first prize and Master Wells McClarey won second prize in the youth corn exhibit.

The Anti Horse Thief Association initiated nine members into the order at their meeting Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Palmer who have lived near Aulne for 35 years have sold their beautiful farm home and are planning to leave soon. They were surprised on the 26th when their many friends brought well-filled baskets and had a jolly good time wishing them success in their new home.

There’s a first class new cook at the Silver Moon Café, and this popular eating house makes a specialty of Sunday dinner

Last modified Jan. 23, 2019