• Last modified 2112 days ago (July 26, 2018)


JULY 30, 1908

Mr. A.W. Brewerton, a former Marion citizen, died at Atlanta, Ga., on July 16th. Mr. Brewerton was one of Marion’s business men a number of years ago. He built the brick home on the hill, now owned by Mr. John Powers.

Last Saturday evening, the two little boys of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAlister were playing in a boat near their home below the First Street bridge which spans the Cottonwood. Ira, the oldest, fell out and was drowned. The body was recovered after having been in the water about three hours.

Work was commenced this week on the Marion Produce Company’s new building.

At a regular meeting of the City Council of the city of Marion, Kans., July 20, 1908 the following resolution was adopted: “Resolved: That the council deems it necessary to pave Main street, in said city, with brick or concrete, from the west line of Walnut street to a point in Main street opposite the west line of the Baptist church. Also: That the council deems it necessary to pave with like pavement 3rd street, from the south side of Main street to the track of the A.T. & S.F.R.R.”

The moving of the Park hotel takes away one of Marion’s old land marks. This building is a substantial frame structure and one of the first of its size ever in the city. In its place will be erected the new home for the Masonic lodge.

Mr. Joe Bauer will leave Tuesday for Chicago and New York where he will meet ten of the largest buyers of the central West. You can look for some good things after his return.

Last modified July 26, 2018