• Last modified 71 days ago (Dec. 30, 2024)


jan. 8, 1920

Chas. W. Thompson of Marion announces his candidacy for the State Senate from the Marion, Morris, Chase district, subject to the Republican primaries. His wide acquaintance, his active interest in public affairs, and his forceful manner will make him a strong candidate.

The Loyal Order of Moose No. 992 was installed Tuesday evening of this week at the Masonic hall in Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Pierce celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary New Year’s Day. They were married Jan. 1, 1860, at Lincoln, Illinois, where they lived until 1870, when they came to Marion County. Here they have lived continuously, meeting and overcoming the conditions of pioneer life.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner entertained Dorothy Bowlby, Amy Brose, Edna Frazer, Ruth Love, Lenore and Doris Miesse, Helen Roberts, Cliffie Rowland, Vinnie and Bess Wible, Grace Williams, and Eldena Williamson at dinner Friday evening

The following young men were asked in to spend the evening: Lee Braddock, Chas. Curtis, Devaughn Dean, Sam Frazer, Wallis Hoch, Harry Koehler, Earle Loveless, Maurice Miesse, Paul Shahan, and Howard Stimpson.

Last modified Dec. 30, 2024